front-end developer


How To Learn Front-End Development

What's Front-End Development:

front-end development is a person, who develop user interface with three languages:
he can has more language, but this three languages important to say this person is front-

And front-end development is the action and events in web-page, the front-end developer
can manipulate web-page, he can add div or remove div ....

How To Become Front-End Developer:

    Tools used for front-end development

      -There are several tools and platforms, such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal, available that can be used to develop the front end of a website, and understanding which tools are best fit for specific tasks marks the difference between developing a hacked site and a well designed, salable site.[1]

    Hyper Text Markup Language

      -Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is the backbone of any website development process, without which a web page does not exist. Hypertext means that text has links, termed hyperlinks, embedded in it. When a user clicks on a word or a phrase that has a hyperlink, it will bring another web-page

To Know What is Html : Click Here

    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

       -Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) controls the presentation aspect of the site and allows your site to have its own unique look.

    JavaScript (Js)

      -JavaScript is an event-based imperative programming language (as opposed to HTML's declarative language model) that is used to transform a static HTML page into a dynamic interface

To Learn How To Create Website: Click Here

Goals for development:



    3-Speedy Development